Back to the origin, Cruz de Atapuerca, Camino de Santiago, Spain

Back to the origin

Back to the origin, Cruz de Atapuerca, Camino de Santiago, Spain

No matter who owes whom, everything returns to the origin of life when it comes to an end.

Gain and loss also cannot be taken away at the end of life.

At the end of life, the body function declines and recalls the memory of a long time ago.

No matter whom you owe or whom you give away.

The only things are what still belongs to you and who accompanies you for the rest of your life.

Photo@ Cruz de Atapuerca, Camino de Santiago, Spain 2019

One day, I went back to the Camino.

I still walked more than 40 km.

I climbed up the last mountain with a huge cross at the top.

As I climbed several mountains that day, I was very tired when I came to this mountain. I stood in front of the cross to take a rest and think about the past.

The cross reminds me of death, rebirth, and eternal comfort.

I left pieces of stone, paper and a little memory here.
