Ready for waiting, Love Lock Bridge, Pont des Arts, Paris, France

Ready for waiting

When waiting becomes a habit, you may forget to wait.

But something did unconsciously; there will be a foreshadowing.

When traveling to certain cities, there was always some places I did not visit alone.

Some skills that I always feel useless but seem to be needed.

Recording some thoughts. Always care about something meaningless.

Seems like I am used to preparing for the wait.

Get myself ready for the best moment with the best "me"

Waiting for the right time, the right place, and the right person.

Photo@Passerelle des Arts Paris France July 2014

Love Lock Bridge - Pont des Arts, Paris, France

It was a trip from Rennes to London and then to Cardiff that day.

As there was still some time after getting off the train, I went to the town center of Paris and had a look for about an hour.

Of course, it is a must to go to the famous bridge, Love Lock Bridge - Pont Des Arts.

Capitals + Big cities + famous tourist spots are not attractive to me always, but I went to this bridge out of curiosity.

There are indeed many locks with someone's name on the bridge.

There are also hawkers selling new locks. People will buy them no matter how expensive they are.

I went back and forth there a few times and tried to find a good location.

Why? Seems like finding a good location for the lock with “our names”.

It is the habit of my body that made me feel like I kept preparing and waiting for “someone”.

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